![]() (6) Remove electrical connector P4 from the
junction box and unsolder two unmarked wires
from connector.
(1) Unsolder the electrical cable to the
b. Installation. Installation of the pressure
solenoid valve to be removed. The leads to the
switch shall be in the reverse order of removal.
s o l e n o i d valves are soldered to connector P4 which
Evacuate and recharge the refrigerant system (para
connects to the rear of the junction box.
5 - 8 d and para 5-8 e ) .
The solenoid valve must be dis-
assembled before disconnecting the
a. General. Pressure switches S5 and S6 are
tubing from the valves to avoid heat
c o n t a i n e d in an enclosure behind the rear panel and
toward the top. The pressure switches and en-
(2) Remove two screws securing the lower
closure must be removed as an assembly, then the
portion of the valve to the upper assembly and
switches removed from the enclosure.
Remove the
the upper
b. Removal.
diaphragm from the lower assembly.
(1) Remove fifteen screws securing the top
(3) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
p a n e l on the air conditioner and remove the panel.
8 b ).
(2) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
( 4 ) Using heat, disconnect the tubing from the
8 b ).
lower portion of the valve.
(3) Remove the capillary tubing of each
(5) Remove two screws securing the lower
p r e s s u r e switch by removing the flare nut from the
portion of the valve to the mounting bracket and
refrigerant tubing.
remove the lower portion.
(4) Remove four screws from the outside of
b. Installation. Installation of the solenoid
the rear panel that holds the pressure switch en-
v a l v e s shall be in reverse order of removal. Be sure
closure assembly. Rem ove the assembly, being
that all soldered connections are tight and that all
careful not to damage the capillary tubing on each
wiring connections are tight and that the valve is
pressure switch.
reassembled correctly after connections are
(5) Remove two screws holding each pressure
soldered. Evacuate and re-charge the refrigerant
switch to the enclosure and remove the switches.
s y s t e m ( p a r a 5 - 8 d and para 5-8 e ) .
c. I n s t a l l a t i o n . I n s t a l l a t i o n o f t h e p r e s s u r e
s w i t c h e s shall be the reverse of removal. Care must
b e taken so as not to damage the capillary tubing of
each switch and that each one is connected
(1) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
properly. Evacuate and re-charge the refrigerant
8 b ).
s y s t e m ( p a r a 5 - 8 d and 5-8 e ) .
(2) Remove 15 screws, securing the top panel,
and remove panel from the air conditioner.
(3) Remove screws and clamps securing the
a. Removal.
sensing element for the expansion valve.
(1) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
( 4 ) Remove 2 screws securing the valve to the
unit, and remove the top portion of the valve.
( 2 ) Remove fifteen screws and remove the top
(5) Melt solder and disconnect refrigerant
(3) Remove service valve access panel.
b. Installation. Installation of the thermostatic
(4) Remove screw and clamp holding the
expansion valves shall be in reverse order of
charging valve.
removal. Be sure that all soldered connections are
(5) Using heat remove the tubing from the
tight. Evacuate and re-charge the refrigerant
charging valve to be removed.
s y s t e m ( p a r a 5 - 8 d a n d p a r a 5 - 8 e). C h e c k f o r t h e
(6) Remove the service valve from the air
proper superheat adjustment of the valve and
adjust if required (para 4-62).
Valve cores may be replaced if defective.
5-19. Fluid Pressure Regulator
b. lnstallation. Installation of the service valves
(1) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
shall be in reverse order of removal. Be sure that all
8 b).
soldered connections are tight. Evacuate and re-
(2) Remove fifteen screws securing the top
charge the refrigerant system (para 5-8 d a n d p a r a
panel on the air conditioner and remove the top
5-8 e).
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