![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
tained which would impair serviceability.
( b ) G a s k e t . R e p l a c e gasket if damaged or missing. New gaskets
a r e installed by removing the strip from the gasket adhesive backing a n d pressing
the gasket in place.
( 6 ) I n s t a l l a t i o n . P o s i t i o n a i r d i s c h a r g e g r i l l e o n a i r c o n d i t i o n e r and
s e c u r e with attaching screws and washers.
Air Intake Grille. (See figure 3-3.)
(1) Removal.
R e m o v e attaching screws and remove air intake grille
from the air conditioner.
(2) Inspection.
(a) Inspect the air intake grille for damage which would impair
(b) Inspect for bent grille pieces.
(c) Inspect for missing or damaged gasket.
W h e n using compressed air for blowing and
c l e a n i n g , air hose pressure must not ex-
c e e d 3 0 p s i g ( 2 k s / c m2 ) , a n d i n d i v i d u a l s
m u s t wear eye protection equipment.
W a s h grille with a stream of freshwater.
D r y grille with compressed air.
Straighten minor bends and dents in grille.
(4) Repair.
(5) Replace.
( a ) G r i l l e . Replace air intake grille if there is sufficient
damage to the grille that serviceability would be impaired.
( b ) G a s k e t . R e p l a c e gasket if damaged or missing. New gaskets
a r e installed by removing the strip from the gasket adhesive backing and pressing
the gasket in place.
( 6 ) I n s t a l l a t i o n . Position the air intake grille on the air conditioner
a n d secure with attaching screws.
L o w e r Access Panel.
(See figure 3-3.)
(1) Removal.
L o o s e n attaching screws and remove lower access panel
from the air conditioner.
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