TM 5-4120-356-14
s . L o w e r D r a i n T u b e A s s e m b l y . (See figure 3-6.) There are two lower drain
t u b e assemblies. O n e tube on the left s i d e and one tube on the right side in the
lower portion of the air conditioner. The following instructions apply to both drain
tube assemblies.
(a) Loosen retaining screws and remove lower access panel.
( b ) Remove cotter pin, spring and ball from the lower drain tube
assembly and inspect for contamination or corrosion which would prevent the ball
v a l v e from functioning.
(c) Inspect the hose connecting the lower drain tube to the upper
t u b e for cracks, and breaks and any damage which would impair serviceability.
( 2 ) S e r v i c e . C l e a n b a l l s e a t , s p r i n g a n d ball with water and a fiber
b r i s t l e brush and dry thoroughly.
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