![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
(3) Repair.
Replace any damaged or missing parts.
( 4 ) R e p l a c e . Replace the entire lower drain tube assembly (left and/or
r i g h t ) if there is any damage which would impair serviceability. Refer to steps (5)
and (6) for removal and installation.
(5) Remove
Remove clamps from rubber connecting hose. Remove lower
d r a i n tube assembly from spring clips on sides of cabinet and remove drain tube(s)
f r o m cabinet.
(6) Installation.
(a) Position lower drain tube assembly in spring clips on side of
(b) Connect lower drain tube assembly to upper tube with short
section of rubber hose.
( c ) Secure lower drain tube assembly to upper tube with two hose
c l a m p s around rubber section.
(d) Install lower access panel.
C o n t r o l Box.
(a) Remove lower access panel, air intake grille and air filter to
g a i n a c c e s s t o t h e c o n t r o l b o x . ( R e f e r t o p a r a g r a p h 3-9.)
( b ) I n s p e c t c o n t r o l b o x f o r signs of burn-out and for other damage
w h i c h w o u l d i m p a i r s e r v i c e a b i l i t y . R e f e r t o steps (3) and (4) for removal and in-
stallation of control box.
(2) Replace. Replace the control box in case of burn-out or other
d a m a g e which would impair serviceability.
(3) Removal.
Disconnect the air conditioner from the
electrical power source before removing
the control box.
(a) Turn the selector switch to the "OFF" position and disconnect
the air conditioner from the electrical power source.
(b) Remove the lower access panel, air intake grille and air filter.
( R e f e r to paragraph 3-9.)
( c ) R e f e r t o figure 3-8 and remove the control box from the unit.
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