![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
(h) If liquid line solenoid valve fails repeat test, notify Direct
Support Maintenance.
(7) In case of test failure of solenoid valve L2, proceed as follows:
( a ) Refer to figure 3-25 and remove four screws from the pressure
cut-out switch enclosure and pull enclosure and pressure switches aside sufficiently
to provide access to solenoid valve L2.
( b ) Refer to figure 3-25 and disconnect plug P6 from pressure
e q u a l i z e r valve L2 and plug P3 from junction box.
(c) Check for continuity across pins A and B of receptacle J6 on
solenoid valve L2.
(d) If an open circuit is found, refer to figure 3-26 and replace
solenoid valve coil.
(e) If no open circuit is found, check for continuity between pin
A of plug P6 and pin E of plug P3 and between pin B of plug P6 and pin F of plug P3.
(f) Replace electrical wiring if any open circuit is found.
(g) After replacement of solenoid valve coil or electrical wiring,
refer to figure 3-25 and connect plug P6 to receptacle J6 on solenoid valve L2, then
repeat test procedure given in figure 3-25 for pressure equalizer solenoid valve L2.
(h) If repeat test of solenoid valve L2 is satisfactory, secure
p r e s s u r e c u t - o u t s w i t c h enclosure to panel with four attaching screws, then proceed
to step (8).
(i) If solenoid valve L2 fails repeat test, notify Direct support
( 8 ) If operation of both solenoid valves is now satisfactory, refer to
figure 3-12 and install the junction box and control box, then refer to paragraph
3-9 and install the lower access panel, top panel and fabric cover.
b . S i g h t Glass Liquid Indicator. M a i n t e n a n c e of the sight glass at the
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l level is limited to inspecting the sight glass for external damage
w h i c h would impair serviceability. I f s u c h d a m a g e i s f o u n d , r e p o r t t h e c o n d i t i o n
t o Direct Support Maintenance.
c . C o n d e n s e r Coil. M a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e c o n d e n s e r c o i l a t t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l
maintenance l e v e l i s l i m i t e d t o c l e a n i n g . C l e a n c o i l a s f o l l o w s :
( 1 ) R.emove the condenser coil guard in accordance with paragraph 3-9.
(2) Clean the condenser coil by brushing with a fiber bristle brush.
(3) After cleaning, reinstall the condenser coil guard.
d . Evaporator Coil. Maintenance of the evaporator coil at the organizational
maintenance l e v e l i s l i m i t e d t o c l e a n i n g . C l e a n c o i l a s f o l l o w s :
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