![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
(2) Continually pass dry nitrogen through the tubing or connections being
s o l d e r e d or brazed to prevent the formation of harmful copper oxides.
Checking f o r Refrigerant System Leaks.
(1) Turn the selector switch to the "OFF" position and disconnect the air
conditioner from the electrical power source.
(2) Refer to figure 4-5 and install pressure gages.
(3) If refrigerant system has been opened and refrigerant removed, pro-
ceed to step (5).
( 4 ) If refrigerant system has not been opened, check system static press-
If pressure on
u r e on the suction side and on the discharge side of the compressor.
b o t h t h e s u c t i o n s i d e a n d t h e d i s c h a r g e s i d e i s a t l e a s t 1 0 0 p s i g ( 7 . 0 k s / m c2 ) , pro-
o n b o t h t h e s u c t i o n s i d e a n d t h e d i s c h a r g e s i d e iS n o t
ceed to step (6). If pressure
a t l e a s t 1 0 0 p s i g ( 7 . 0 k s / c m,2 p r o c e e d w i t h s t e p ( 5 ) .
(5) Add vaporized refrigerant to both the suction side and the discharge
s i d e o f t h e c o m p r e s s o r t h r o u g h t h e s e r v i c e v a l v e s u n t i l the suction pressure and the
d i s c h a r g e pressure a r e at least 100 psig (7.0ks/mc2 ) .
(6) Using available leak detector, check areas of the refrigerant system
showing collected refrigerant oil and associated accumulated dust. Pinpoint and tag
e a c h leak found.
d. Repairing Refrigerant System Leaks.
( 1 ) R e f e r to paragraph 4-6 and release refrigerant from the system. Leave
s e r v i c e v a l v e s open.
( 2 ) If leak is to be brazed, proceed as follows:
( a ) Connect a source of v a p o r i z e d nitrogen to the service valve
closest to the leak.
(b) Release nitrogen into the system while brazing the leaking area.
(c) Disconnect the nitrogen source from the service valve.
( 3 ) If the leak is in a fitting, proceed as follows:
( a ) Remove the fitting and associated component from the system.
U s e care in applying leak lock or high
v a c u u m grease so that when the fitting
is installed, none of the material gets
inside the refrigerant system.
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