![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
(k) Reinstall the condenser fan and remove the suction pressure gage.
( 3 ) Adjust.
N e v e r adjust the quench valve unless
a b s o l u t e l y necessary. When adjusting
t h e quench valve, allow the unit to
run on "COOL" at least 20 minutes be-
tween each adjustment. Make sure that
t h e condenser fan and all panels are
s e c u r e d in place during the running
( a ) Refer to figure 4-20 and remove the seal cap from the quench
(b) Refer to figure 4-20 and locate the adjusting screw. Turning
t h e adjusting screw counter-clockwise increases flow and lowers superheat. Turning
t h e adjusting screw clocknwise decreases flow and raises superheat. Four complete
t u r n s of the adjusting screw will raise or lower superheat by approximately 2F (1.1C).
T u r n the adjusting screw to obtain superheat of 30.4 0.5F (0.88C 0.5C).
( c ) Allow the unit to run on "COOL" for approximately 20 minutes be-
fore adjusting to a new setting.
( d ) C a l c u l a t e s u p e r h e a t o f q u e n c h v a l v e . I f superheat is now 30.4F
0.5F (0.88C 0.5C), no further adjustment is necessary. I f s u p e r h e a t i s n o t
c o r r e c t , continue adjustment cycle until superheat reaches the required temperature.
(e) Refer to figure 4-20 and install the seal cap on quench valve.
( f ) Remove the condenser fan and the thermometer bulb from the suction
l i n e near the power bulb of the quench valve.
(g) Reinstall the condenser fan.
(4) Repair.
I f quench valve is leaking refrigerant, refer to figure 4-20
a n d repair valve.
( 5 ) R e p l a c e . I f damage or defects are found which would impair service-
ability, replace the quench. Refer to steps (6) and (7) for removal of defective
valve and the installation of a new valve.
( 6 ) Removal.
( a ) Turn the selector switch to the "OFF" position and disconnect the
air conditioner from the electrical power source.
( b ) Refer to paragraph 3-15b and remove the condenser fan.
(c) Refer to figure 4-2 and release refrigerant f ran the system.
( d ) Refer to figures 4-12 and 4-20 and remove the quench valve.
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