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TM 5-4120-361-14 (6) Remove screws that secure coil to  base  of  housing. (7)  Remove  coil  from  air  condi- tioner. Use care when removing coil to prevent damage to coils and fins. b. Installation. Install condenser coil as   follows: (1) Be sure sheet spring nuts are in place on bottom of coil. Position coil in air conditioner and install four countersunk-head screws from underside of  housing. (2) Connect tubing to condenser and attach actuator flare nut. (3) Leak test as described in para 5-6. (4) Refer to figure 4-3 and in- stall condenser guard. (5) Refer to figure 4-9 and in- stall condenser fan motors and supports and  actuator. (6) Refer to figure 4-4 and in- stall housing top covers. (7) Refer to figure 6-1 and purge the refrigerant system. 1. Caution should be exer- cised with fluorocarbon refrigerant gas (freons) as they can displace oxygen and thereby cause suffocation. 2. Personnel with a history or other evidence of cardiac rhythm abnormalities should be made aware of the potential for aggravation of existing cardiac rhythm abnormalities or the induction of arryth- mias, as a result of exposure to fluorocarbon refrigerant gases  (freons). Such indivi- duals should be evaluated by local medical authorities be- fore working in environments where potential freon exposure may  occur. (8) Refer to figure 6-2 and charge the refrigerant system. 5-20. Condenser Louver Actuator and Control. a. Removal. Remove actuator and push-pull control as follows: 1. Caution should be exer- cised with fluorocarbon re- frigerant gas (freons) as they can displace oxygen and there- by cause suffocation. 2. Personnel with a history or other evidence of cardiac rhythm abnormalities should be made aware of the potential for aggravation of existing cardiac rhythm abnormalities or the induction of arryth- mias, as a result of exposure to fluorocarbon refrigerant gases  (freons). Such  indivi- duals should be evaluated by local medical authorities be- fore working in environments where potential freon exposure may  occur. (1) Refer to 6-1 and discharge the refrigerant system. (2) Refer to figure 4-3 and remove housing  covers. (3) Refer to figure 5-5 and loosen mechanical post screws at each end to loosen  control  wire. (4) Remove screw, lockwasher and loop clamp. (5) Remove push-pull control assem- bly clips at each end and remove push- pull  control. (6) Disconnect flare nut from end of actuator cylinder. (7) Remove two nuts and lockwashers from bracket and remove actuator cylin- der. If cylinder is to be replaced, re- move rivets and retain push-pull con- trol assembly brackets. b. Installation. Install actuator cylinder and control as follows: 5-12

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