![]() TM5-4120-383-14
(2) Check that aluminum tube from bulkhead to rear of unit is
not clogged.
Replace all damaged parts found during inspection.
(1) Slide clamps onto tubes.
(2) Slip tubing and clamps into place.
(3) Install the return air louver (para 4-13).
(4) Connect power at power source.
Preferred repair methods consist of replacing wires, terminals
connectors etc., rather than splicing wires, bendinq ends to form
terminals, and other make-shift procedures, although the latter may
Determine the proper
be appropriate for emergency field repairs.
size and length of wire, or the terminal, or connector to be used
for replacement by referring to Table 4-3, "Wire List", and to the
wiring diagram figure 4-4.
a. Soldering Connections. Wire connections must be made
mechanically sound before they are soldered; solder alone does not
provide sufficient strength to prevent breakage. Joining surfaces
If a
of connections to be soldered must be clean and bright.
separate flux is used, it should conform to Specification MIL-F-
14256, rosin base flux, item 6, Appendix E and should be brushed
If a flux-core solder is used, it
onto the joint before soldering.
If an uncored
should always be rosin-core electrical solder.
solder is used, it should be a lead-tin solder, item 7, Appendix E
conforming to Specification QQ-S-571. Wires should always be
heated to the point at which the solder will melt completely and
Excessive build-up of solder
flow into all parts of the joint.
"gobs" on the joint should be avoided or removed.
b. Insulating Joint.
The preferred method of insulating
electrical joints is by the use of heat-shrink tubing. To apply,
cut a piece of heat-shrink tubing of suitable diameter to a length
of 1 inch (2.5 cm) for covering joints at terminals or connectors
or to a length about 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) longer than the joint to be
Slide the tubing over the wire before making the joint.
After the joint is made, slide the tubing so that it covers the
joint, and shrink in place with moderate heat.
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