![]() 1-13.
Water Pump
a. General. Every modern cooling system has a
water pump to circulate the coolant in the system. The
pump, which is usually located on the front or side of the
engine block, receives coolant from the bottom of the
radiator and forces it through the water jacket into the
radiator top tank.
b. General Construction The water pump is a
centrifugal-type pump, having an impeller with blades
which force the coolant outward as the impeller rotates.
The impeller is located in a pump housing and is mounted
on a shaft which runs on one or more bearings. The shaft
is driven by the engine through a belt or a shaft (para 1-5).
The fact that the impeller is submerged in the coolant but
must be driven from outside of the cooling system, creates
the problem of sealing the impeller shaft against leakage.
The water pump shaft seal is the only moving water joint in
the cooling system.
c. Packless Type. The most commonly used type
of pump on military vehicles is the nonadjustable packless
type. The packless pump has a built-in, self-adjusting
Figure 1-10. Liquid and gas joints in cylinder head gasket.
seal. Individual pumps vary somewhat in seal materials
and arrangement of assembly. Some packless pumps are
Engine Water Jacket
prelubricated when assembled, but others require periodic
a. Construction The water passages in the cylinder
block and cylinder head form the engine water jacket In
Cylinder Head Joint
the cylinder block, the water jacket completely surrounds
all cylinders along their full length. Within the jacket,
a. Water Transfer Ports. The coolant flows from
narrow water passages are provided between cylinders for
cylinder block up into cylinder head through passages
coolant circulation around them.
In addition, water
called water transfer ports The lower part of each passage
passages are provided around the valve seats and other
is in the block, and the upper parts is In the head. A tight
hot parts of the cylinder block. In the cylinder head, the
seal in the joint between the two parts of these water
water jacket covers the combustion chambers at the top of
passages is very important.
the cylinders and contains water passages around the
valve seats when the valves are located in the head.
numerous water transfer ports, as well as the combustion
chamber joints, are all sealed with one large gasket called
the water jacket are designed to control circulation of
the cylinder head gasket. To obtain the tightest possible
coolant and provide proper cooling throughout the engine.
seal in these joints, the openings in the gasket, which
Waste heat flows directly to the coolant through metal
match the water transfer ports and combustion chamber
walls of the combustion chambers and cylinders. Heat
openings, are reinforced with metal eyelets described as
absorbed by the pistons passes into the coolant by way of
grommets. The head gasket has a double duty to
the cylinder wall. The heat in the valves flows to the
perform; it must seal the extreme pressures of combustion
coolant through the valve seats and guides. Since
within the cylinders and at the same time maintain
exhaust valves may run as hot as 2,000F (yellow-red
leakproof coolant joints at the water transfer ports. To be
heat), proper cooling around the exhaust valve seat is of
specific, the cylinder head gasket must prevent
special Importance.
combustion gas leakage to the outside of the engine,
between cylinders, and into the water passages, it must
also prevent coolant leakage outside the engine, and to
the cylinders of the engine. Proper uniform tightness of
the cylinder head bolts is necessary to maintain a
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