![]() Figure 2-24. Expansion of water and antifreeze compound
solution caused by heat.
Evaporation. Liquid can change to a gas by
evaporation as well as by boiling. Boiling takes place
within the liquid, and evaporation occurs on the surface.
The rate of evaporation is controlled by a number of
conditions which include the temperature of the liquid and
Figure 2-23. Effect of increased pressure in cooling
the amount of surface exposed to the air.
system on boiling points of water and antifreeze compound
evaporates at all temperatures, but contrary to common
opinion, the loss of water from the cooling system by
evaporation is negligible as compared to other causes of
d. Boiling During Engine Operation. Violent boiling
coolant loss, especially in systems equipped with pressure
of coolant effects the operation of the cooling system in
caps. Evaporation of slight water leakage outside the
several ways. The formation of steam in the water jacket
cooling system may be so rapid that the leakage will be
results in steam pockets which present the coolant from
dried up as fast as it is formed, and there will be no
coming in contact with the metal. This interferes with
moisture at the leak, especially when the system is hot.
transfer of heat to the coolant. Pressure developing from
steam formation In the heater jacket forces coolant out the
Antifreeze Protection
overflow pipe. Continued operation of the engine with
boiling coolant can run the cooling system almost
a. Freezing Damage.
When water freezes at +
completely dry.
32F, it forms solid ice and expands approximately 9
percent In volume. This expansion takes place with a
operation, boiling may occur after the engine is shut off,
terrific force. If water is allowed to freeze in the cooling
even though the coolant has not boiling during operation.
system, the force of the expansion will crack the engine
This after-boil is caused by the rapid rise of coolant
water jacket (fig 2-25) and cause serious damage to the
temperature in the heater jacket, sometimes as much as
radiator and other parts. For this reason, the vehicle must
20 F or more. The temperature rise Is due to the fact that
never be exposed to freezing temperatures without
the coolant Is still absorbing heat produced in the engine
antifreeze protection in the system.
during operation and cannot get rid of It with circulation
and air flow stopped. After-boil occurs less frequently and
results in less overflow loss when the boiling point of the
coolant is comparatively high. After-boil losses of coolant
can be prevented by use of radiator pressure caps and
overflow tanks.
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