![]() prescribed requirements.
c. Antifreeze Protection
(1) When cooling system protection is required for
temperatures no lower than -55F prepare a solution in
accordance with Instructions in the furnished guide (Table
Table 2-2. Table of Antifreeze Protections
Pints of Antifreeze Compound
Protection To
Required to Make One Gallon
of Antifreeze Solution
+ 10 F
0 F
-10 F
-20 F
-30 F
Figure 2-25. Heat cracking damage to cylinder block
-40 F
resulting from slush ice freezeup in radiator.
-50 F
-60 F
b. Antifreeze, Another liquid must be added to the
water in order to prevent it from freezing.
(2) In areas where the lowest temperature
containing antifreeze will not cause freeze-cracking
encountered is below -55F, use arctic-type antifreeze,
damage from expansion and will continue to circulate
freely in the cooling system at very low temperatures if the
proper amount of antifreeze has been added. Methanol,
ethanol, and ethylene glycol are the types of antifreeze
commonly used in civilian vehicles. However, antifreeze
Do not dilute arctic-type antifreeze with water or
compound (ethylene glycol type) is the only type of
inhibitor. It is ready for use as issued.
antifreeze material authorized for use in water-cooled
military engines.
d. Antifreeze Installation Servicing the engine
(1) Antifreeze inhibited solution, FSN 6850-181-
cooling system for operation at anticipated temperatures
7929, may be retained in engine cooling systems for a
below +32F is performed as follows:
two-year period from fill date.
(1) Completely drain coolant from system with
(2) Arctic-Type antifreeze, 6850-174-1806, will be
engine ,warmed up above specified thermostat-opening
replaced on an annual basis, preferably at the beginning of
the cold weather season.
(2) Fill system with water, run engine at fast idling
(3) In climates where temperature does not fall
speed until thermostat full open temperature is reached,
below +32F and where maximum engine cooling is
and drain water.
required, the use of water with dissolved inhibitor, FSN
(3) Perform preventive cleaning of system if coolant
6850-753-4967, is authorized. Antifreeze protection during
is rusty or otherwise contaminated, or radiator is rusty or
a seasonal period when temperature is expected to fall
greasy inside (para 2-21).
below +32F is required. This protection consists of :
(4) Determine required amount of antifreeze
(a) One ounce corrosion Inhibitor for every two
compound from protection guide (Table 2-2).
quarts water used in preparing the solution.
(5) Fill system about one-third full of water, add
(b) Use of arctic-type antifreeze in areas where he
required amount of antifreeze, and finish filling with water,
lowest temperature encountered is below -55F.
but leave room for expansion.
(6) Run engine at fast idling speed with radiator
covered until thermostat full open temperature is reached
to release any trapped air and thoroughly mix solution (fig
In an emergency, where antifreeze solution or
inhibited water is not available, the use of water
(7) Tighten hose clamps and inspect for leakage.
without inhibitor Is authorized on a temporary
basis, with the circumstance noted on DA Form
91OR-14 At the earliest opportunity, necessary
action will be taken to restore coolant to the
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