![]() mate with the sides of the header for soldering.
Be sure that "V" tank does not extend over header
bolt holes.
(d) Clean along edge of header with muratic acid
and wire brush. After cleaning, wash with clear water
Figure 3-15. Temporary "'V" test tank.
Figure 3-14. Uni-tester.
(a) Clamp one side of "V" tank to the
(5) Leak test core and make necessary repairs.
corresponding side of the header with vise-grip sheet
(6) Check radiator tank-header alinement by
metal pliers.
trial-fitting tank in proper position for bolting on.
(b) Apply flux and tinning mixture along edges of
(7) Lift off tank and apply gasket cement to tank
clamped "V" test tank. A small section at a time may be
clamped and soldered. Clamps are then moved until both
recommended gasket If gasket is not available, cut from
edges of tank have been soldered. Leave both ends of
sheet stock.
test tank open.
(8) Place gasket and tank in place and bolt on.
(c) Cut a straight line from each end along the
Tighten bolts alternately to prevent warping header or
center line at the "V" crease for a distance of 2 or 3 inches.
tank. Replace with new bolts if necessary.
Overlap the cut ends and form to fit ends of header.
(9) Retest radiator for leaks using proper air
(d) Solder these overlapped ends together and
then solder ends to header. The core is now ready for air
d. Combined Solder-On and Bolt On Type Tanks.
testing. Figure 3-16 shows temporary "V" test tank being
Some radiators have bolt-on tanks and solder-on top
tanks. With this type, only one test tank is necessary. If
both tanks are bolt-on and are removed, two test tanks
must be used. One will require the installation of an air
connection. The air connection is made by punching or
drilling a 5/16 inch hole in one of the test tanks. Solder a
short length of 5/16 inch copper tubing to the hole.
e. " V" Test Tank:
(1) Construction.
(a). Cut a strip of 16 oz sheet copper large
enough to cover the header to the outer edge and allow for
an overlap. The overlap dimensions will depend on size of
header. Allow enough overlap to form a slight "V" above
Figure 3-16. Temporary "V" test tank being installed.
the header water passages. One or two inches will usually
be enough overlap for this purpose.
(b) Form a lengthwise "V" crease at the center of
the strip.
(c) Flatten and form the sides of the "V" tank to
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