![]() strengthens the weakened area. A patch usually results in
Repairing Tubes
a repair sufficient strength to prevent recurrence of the
crack. When a header is cracked between tubes, a
a. General. Small leaks may be repaired by sealing
noticed patch may be used. Cracks that are located on a
with solder. Sealing large leaks with solder will only result
multiple contoured surface are usually brazed or silver
in filling or plugging the tube. When large leak is pinched
to prevent solder from plugging the tube, water flow
b. Patch Repair
through the tube is restricted.
Therefore, it is
(1) Cleaning the area with alternate use of heat
recommended that only small leaks be repaired by sealing
and muriatic acid is usually sufficient. For more difficult
with solder. This type of repair consists of gaining access
cleaning, use wire brush and muriactic acid. On extremely
to the leak, cleaning, tinning and soldering.
difficult multiple-contoured surfaces, abrasive blasting may
b. Sealing Tube Leaks With Solder'
be required.
(1) Heat the tube in area to be repaired. Move
(2) Tin an area at least 1 inch larger than all
or spread fins slightly to gain access to the leak.
points of the crack. Cut a patch from 16 oz copper sheet
(2) Heat the tube around the leaking area and
(this material is approximately 021 inches thick) to a size
brush on muriactic acid. Repeat this several times to
that covers the tinned area. Tin both sides of the copper
clean the repair area.
(3) Heat the tube and apply flux and tinning
(3) Check fit and size of copper patch by
placing it over the crack. Be sure that it is formed to the
(4) When the area is completely tinned, heat
surface contour and covers the crack with the surface
and flow solder to cover the leak.
contour and covers the crack with the proper overlap.
(5) Restore fins to their original position by
Remove patch and position radiator so that repair surface
using duck bill pliers.
is level.
(6) Test with required air pressure.
(4) Heat and apply a thin layer of solder over
the crack and tinned area.
Blocking Tubes
(5) Position patch, heat and flow additional
solder around edges of patch and cool with water.
Most radiators are designed with an overload capacity.
(6) Wash patched area thoroughly and leak test
When tubes are blocked or plugged, the overload capacity
it proper air pressure Figure 3-25 illustrates a tank patch
is decreased in proportion to the number of tubes blocked.
repair and Figure 3-26 shows a header repair using a
Blocking of tubes is more economical than replacing or
notched patch. (Before soldering ).
splicing. A limited number may be blocked in most
applications. Radiator cores in tactical wheel vehicles (3/4
ton through 10 ton trucks) with not more than two tubes
blocked are acceptable, except M39A2 series trucks,
which must have all tubes functioning. If a tube is split
lengthwise or severely damaged, it may be blocked at
each end. When a tube is damaged along its length in a
large area, it can be disconnected from the headers and
both header holes filled with solder. Tubes can also be
blocked by punching a hole approximately 2 inches from
each end. Flare the holes, clean, tin and fill with solder.
Patching Headers and Tanks
a. General. Cracks occur in headers and tanks
from temperature and pressure changes. Other ruses are
mechanical stresses and vibrations during normal
operation. These cracks, if repaired by lder alone are
likely to recur. Solder alone contributes very little to
Figure 3-25. Tank patch repair (before soldering).
structural rigidity and strength a copper patch (a thin patch
cut from 16 oz copper let) is soldered over a crack, the
bonding area of solder is greatly increased.
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