hard-to-reach areas. In addition to cleaning the metal, it
also etches the metal for a positive bonding surface.
d. Use air blow gun to remove any foreign particles
Leaks in aluminum radiators are most commonly
from repair. Wipe surface with a clean cloth that has been
repaired with epoxy compound. Since the work life
saturated in lacquer thinner. Before applying epoxy, the
of the prepared epoxy compound is limited, all
surface to be repaired and the small surrounding area
leaks should be exposed and repaired using one
should be thoroughly dry.
batch of epoxy compound.
e. For repairing with epoxy, an epoxy repair kit is
recommended. The kit is supplied with two separate
a. Leak test radiator (para 3-42),
tubes, one contains resin and the other hardener. For
b. If leak is in tubes, the fins surrounding leak
use, mix equal lengths (not portions) from each tube and
should be removed with duck bill pliers to facilitate
blend with mixing stick which is included. Mix until
cleaning and repairing. Remove fins to a depth of 1/4 inch
compound is a uniform grey color. The working life is
beyond leak to allow space for cleaning and applying
approximately 15 minutes, depending on room
temperature. See Figure 3-29 for illustration of simplified
c. Clean area to be repaired. The area must be.
epoxy repair.
absolutely clean. Do not use muriatic acid. Clean with
wire brush, sandpaper or air blaster. An industrial blasting
machine will quickly and completely clean cracks and
Figure 3-29. Simplified epoxy repair.
The mixed compound can be applied with
h. Replace removed fins before curing so fins will
spatula, putty knife, mixing stick or other convenient
be bonded. Narrow strips of aluminum sheet can be used
means. When repairing a leak, apply epoxy to the repair
for replacement fins. Hand crimp the sheet with duck bill
area using a wiping and circular motion to remove any air
pliers. If care is used, the crimping will resemble the
bubbles. The epoxy compound should be applied to the
original fins.
entire area around the leak. In general, extremely thick
quantities will add nothing to the effectiveness of the
Allow epoxy to cure at room temperature for
approximately two hours. After curing, the epoxy may be
g. Holes, gaps or structural repairs may require
sanded, filed or machined.
reinforcing with glass tape, aluminum screening or other
Leak test radiator at required air pressure. Tools
approved material. When reinforcing is used, apply epoxy
compound .to both sides of the reinforcement until it is
used to apply epoxy may be cleaned with lacquer thinner,
saturated. The reinforcement should then be placed over
acetone, methyl ketone or xylene before epoxy sets up.
the repair area and covered with additional epoxy
compound. For increased strength use alternate layers of
epoxy compound and reinforcing material.
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