TM 10-8145-222-23
Replace a defective filter-drier as follows:
1. Pump down refrigeration unit (WP 0014, Service).
2. Shut down refrigeration unit (TM 10-8145-222-10, Operating Procedures).
It may be necessary to hold filter-drier in place when loosening hex nuts. If so,
position wrench on filter hex flange. Be sure to note the directional flow of filter-drier
as installed so that replacement filter-drier can be installed in same directional flow.
3. Loosen hex nut (Figure 2, Item 1) securing condenser to filter-drier tube assembly (Figure 2, Item 2) to filter-
drier (Figure 2, Item 3).
4. Disconnect condenser to filter-drier tube assembly (Figure 2, Item 2) and remove O-ring (Figure 2, Item 4).
5. Loosen hex nut (Figure 2, Item 5) securing accumulator to filter-drier tube assembly (Figure 2, Item 6) to filter-
drier (Figure 2, Item 3).
6. Disconnect accumulator to filter-drier tube assembly (Figure 2, Item 6) and remove O-ring (Figure 2, Item 7).
It is possible to install the filter-drier backwards, or reverse flow. When removing the
filter-drier, make note of the flow direction as marked on the filter-drier to aid in
7. Remove one bolt (Figure 2, Item 8) and one spacer (Figure 2, Item 9) from clamp (Figure 2, Item 10) securing
filter-drier (Figure 2, Item 3) to refrigeration unit frame.
8. Remove two ground lugs (Figure 2, Item 11).
9. Remove clamp (Figure 2, Item 10) by sliding to right and removing, and filter-drier (Figure 2, Item 3).
10. Install two new O-rings (Figure 2, Item 4 and Item 7) on each side of new filter-drier (Figure 2, Item 3).
11. Install new filter-drier (Figure 2, Item 3) in direction as noted during removal, making sure flow direction is
12. Install upper clamp (Figure 2, Item 10).
13. Secure clamp (Figure 2, Item 10), filter-drier (Figure 2, Item 3), and two ground lugs (Figure 2, Item 11) in place
using one bolt (Figure 2, Item 8) and one spacer (Figure 2, Item 9).