TM 10-8145-222-23
13. Remove ten screws (Figure 4, Item 3) securing rear cover (Figure 4, Item 7) to hinged front panel (Figure 4,
Item 4) to gain access to wiring connections.
The sensor wiring for the chart recorder is hard wired to the circuit board inside the
chart recorder rear cover. There are two red wires connected to the circuit card. The
polarity of these two red wires does not matter as long as they are reconnected in the
same two connect points as disconnected from.
14. Tag and disconnect three wires (Figure 4, Item 5) of applicable sensor.
15. Cut tie wraps as needed and pull sensor cable out of hinged front panel side through wire anchor in hinged front
16. Cut tie wraps as needed securing cable and ferrite noise suppressor (Figure 4, Item 6) to hinged front panel
(Figure 4, Item 2).
17. Carefully pull cable through ferrite noise suppressor (Figure 5). Retain ferrite noise suppressor.
Figure 5. Ferrite Noise Suppressor.
18. Loosen feed through (Figure 6, Item 3) at bottom of temperature chart recorder (Figure 6, Item 1) and feed
cable through until outside of temperature chart recorder.
19. Pull cable into container until free and remove sensor and cable (Figure 6, Item 2).