3-12. Lights Inoperative
3-14. Refrigerator Does Not Retain Proper
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Cooling Temperature
Defective switch -------- Replace switch (para.
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Adjust striker latch (para.
Door striker plate not
Loose wiring connections Tighten wiring connections
properly adjusted
and repair wiring.
Door gasket worn or
Replace gasket ( para.
Defective receptacle _ _ _ _Replace receptacle ( para.,
3-18) .
External power supply _ _Connect power supply.
3-13. Drains Inoperative
Repair or replace panel
Outside or inside skin
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Clogged drain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clean drain strainer.
Cap on drain outlet ---- Remove cap from outlet.
Drain pipe clogged _ _ _ _ _ Remove strainer and clean
drain pipe (para. 3-32).
3-16. Refrigerator Light Assembly
3-15. General
The electrical components of refrigerator are
the refrigerator light assembly.
the inside light, pilot light, light switch, and
plug receptacle with the necessary wiring to
complete the circuit.
stall the refrigerator light assembly.
3-17. Pilot Light
a. Removal.
the pilot light cover.
pilot light socket.
b. Installation.
pilot light socket.
(2) Refer to paragraph 3-10 and install
the pilot light cover.
3-18. Plug Receptacle
the plug receptacle.
stall the plug receptacle.
3-19. Light Switch
the light switch.
stall the light switch.
Figure 3-5. Pilot light, removal and installation
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