(5) Store the grilles so as to avoid possible
a. Perform daily preventive maintenance serv-
c. Blockoff Plate. The blockoff plate is provided
ices (para 3-4).
for installation when the controls are removed for
b. Perform quarterly preventive maintenance
remote control operation. The blockoff plate pro-
service (para 3-4).
vided must be used so that no air will enter the
lower compartment. Refer to figure 21, and in-
c. Inspect entire air conditioner for signs of
stall the blockoff plate.
damage, paying particular attention to evaporator
and condenser coils.
d. The air conditioner contains a full operating
a. General. Set air conditioner in a level position
charge of refrigerant and compressor oil. No fur-
to allow proper condensate draining (operation
ther service is required.
will be satisfactory with unit setting at a slight
angle, and using one of the alternate drain connec-
b. Locating the Unit. The front access panel and
a. General. The air conditioner is basically a
discharge and intake grilles are removable for
self-contained unit, however, in certain `installa-
normal service and maintenance, and must always
tions it may become desirable to utilize the sound
be unobstructed to allow sufficient air for con-
attenuator and/or the remote control blockoff
densing purposes. The discharge and intake open-
plate with an electrical receptacle.
ings at front of unit should be relatively free from
b. Sound Attenuator. The sound attenuator will
obstruction to permit maximum unit capacity.
provide a sound dampening effect and is mounted
Note. Remove discharge and intake grilles and filter, if
on the front of the air conditioner (fig. 11 (2)).
unit is to be used with ducts carrying air to and from the
The sound attenuator replaces the air intake and
conditioned space. Install grilles and filter in the duct.
discharge grilles and air is taken in and dis-
charged through the attenuator bases. Air is
Biological filter unit is to be attached to the unit.
taken in through the bottom and discharged
c. Installing Unit. Bolt unit to floor or other flat
through the top of the attenuator. Refer to figure
surf ace. Refer to base plan (fig. 1-3) for dimen-
sions. Connect drain hose to drain nipple at
lows :
bottom of unit to lead condensate away from unit.
(1) Remove the intake and exhaust grilles
Alternate 1/2 NPT condensate drain connections
are provided at both sides and front of unit. If one
(2) Inspect the attenuator for breaks, cracks,
of these are used, insert a 1/2-inch square head
or other damage.
plug in the rear connection. Some units are pro-
(3) Place the sound attenuator in position on
vided with 4 drain plugs installed. Remove the de-
the front of the unit by aligning the grille
sired drain plug prior to installing the drain hose.
mounting holes with the attenuator mounting
d. Power Source.
(1) Model CE20VAL4. Operates on 208 volt,
Note. Make sure that the notched edge of the
400 hertz, 3 phase power.
attenuator frame matches the damper door control chain
(2) Model CE20VAL6. Operates on 208 volt,
(4) Install the mounting bolts.
50/60 hertz, 3 phase power.
AGO 20053A
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