![]() removal and installation.
torch, Mark all spots where leaks are noticed.
Drain the refrigerant system and repair the leak,
a. Testing Refrigerant System for Leaks.
and pressure test.
(1) Electronic or halide torch leak detector.
Warning: Avoid bodily contact with
The preferred method of testing for leaks in the
liquid refrigerant and avoid inhaling refrigerant
refrigerant system is by using a halide torch. A
gas. Be especially careful that refrigerant
halide detector is used by passing the exploring
-22 does not come in contact with the eyes. In
tube over sweat fittings, all mechanical couplings,
case of refrigerant leaks, ventilate the area im-
and valves. If refrigerant is leaking from the
system, the flame of the halide torch will change
(2) Soap solution method. Operate the air
from blue to green when the leak is small. If the
conditioner, brush all possible points of leakage
leak is large, the flame will be dense blue with a
with soap solution, and watch for bubbles. Follow
reddish tip; or, a large leak may extinguish the
a definite sequence so all points will be thoroughly
AGO 20053A
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