Examine all connections for foreign matter of any
kind. Inspect area thoroughly.
Warning: Avoid bodily contact with the refrig-
erant, especially eye contact. Avoid inhalation of
refrigerant fumes.
c. Removal. Discharge the refrigerant system,
refer to figure 5-23, and remove the compressor.
d. Installation. Instill a replacement compressor
in reverse order of removal, as illustrated in figure
erating system (para 5-33).
Plug (Bendix-Westinghouse)
a. General. The heater is to prevent refrigerant
sludging. The compressor heater is controlled by
the compressor heater thermostat. It provides
heat to prevent sludging and oil pumping prob-
lems when the compressor is exposed to low am-
bient temperatures. It is a 208 volt, 250 watt re-
sistance heater enclosed within tubing. Oil capac-
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. Refer to
7905. The compressor comes from the manufac-
turer full of oil.
denser coil in a similar manner.
d. Installation. Replace a defective coil assembly
and install in reverse order of removal as illus-
trated in figure 5-22. Evacuate and recharge re-
frigerating system (para 5-33).
c. Reassembly and Installation. Replace defec-
tive heater and oil plug and instill in reverse
order of removal as illustrated in figure 5-24.
Refer to paragraph 530, and install the com-
a. General. The sole purpose of the compressor
pressor. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant
is to raise the pressure of refrigerant gas from
system (para 5-33) .
evaporator pressure to condensing pressure. The
Note. Proper oil level is even with the bottom of the oil
function of the compressor is to deliver refrig-
plug. Add slowly to bring oil level to normal position. Use
erant to the condenser at a pressure and temper-
oil of specification VVL-825, Type IV, (FSN 9150-823-
ature at which the condensing process can readily
be accomplished. The motor/compressor is a her-
metically sealed unit and is not repairable in the
field. An inoperative compressor is usually due to
a. General. The casing and base support pro-
a mechanical failure causing the compressor to
tects the components of the air conditioner. They
freeze, control failure, or a motor burnout. If the
also provide air control around the components of
motor/compressor is mechanically frozen or there
the unit. A duct assembly permits control of the
has been a motor burnout, the compressor must be
source of ventilation air. Baffles provide additional
removed and replaced. When the motor of a her-
automatic air control while the damper is man-
matic compressor fails, high temperatures may
ually adjusted.
develop within the compressor causing a break-
down of the oil and refrigerant, resulting in for-
casing, base and duct assembly.
mation of acid, moisture, and sludge. All these are
extremely corrosive and must be flushed from the
c. Installation. Install casing, base and dudt as-
system. Repeated burnouts will occur if all of the
sembly in reverse order of removal as illustrated
contiminants are not removed.
in figure 5-25.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. The immediate area
d. Inspection. Inspect the baffle, damper as-
around the compressor mounting should be thor-
sembly and insulator for signs of wear, breaks,
oughly cleaned with a suitable solvent and dried.
cracks or other damage.
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