![]() TM 5-4120-274-15
Probable remedy
Probable Cause
Probable remedy
Probable cause
Check fan for tightness on
Inadequate air across
Clean the air filter (para
Air movement over
shaft. Clean evaporator
evaporator coil
evaporator insuffic.ient
coil (para 3-54c(2)) and
Replace heater element(s)
Burned out heater
filter (para 3-9b).
element (s)
Improper electrical connec- Check all heater wiring.
Probable remedy
Probable cause
3-15. Suction Pressure Inadequate
Lack of refrigerant --------Check eight glass for appear-
ance of flash gas (fig.
Low or refrigerant -------- Add refrigerant (para
3-13). Report low refrig-
erant charge to direct
Reset thermostat (fig. 2-3).
Air temperature in sir
support maintenance.
conditioned space
Clogged air filter ---------Clean filter (para 3-9b).
excessively low
3-17. General
install panels and grilles.
The air conditioner is constructed with removable
aluminum panels. The front access panel provides
access to the junction box, control panel, and ac-
cess fittings. A discharge panel protects the evap-
a. Removal. Remove retaining hardware and
orator and controls the direction of discharge of
lift off cover. Refer to figure 3-4.
the conditioned air. The intake grille protects the
b. Inspection and repair. Inspect cover for rips
air conditioning filter and regulates the amount
or tears. Repair with water proof tape.
of air returned to the unit. The condenser coil
grille and fan guard protects the condenser coil
c. Installation. Place cover in position and se-
and fan. A fresh air inlet screen permits the entry
cure with retaining hardware.
of outside air and is controlled by the damper
door with the control spring and chain. The cover
panel covers the top of the unit.
Biological Inlet Cover, Condenser Fan
Guard and Condenser Coil Grille
Warning: Disconnect the air conditioner from
the power source before performing any mainte-
nance on the components of the unit.
fresh air inlet screen, CB (chemical and biologi-
cal) inlet cover, condenser fan guard, and con-
denser coil screen.
Grille, and Front Access Panel
b. Inspection. Inspect for dirt of debris clogging
grilles or screens.
remove panels and grilles.
b. Inspection and Repair. Inspect for minor
c. Installation. Install the fresh air inlet screen,
dents and cracked or chipped paint. Repair minor
CB inlet cover, condenser fan guard, and con-
damage, repaint.
denser coil screen (fig. 3-4).
Test for continuity across motor windings with
a. General. The Redmanson model CV-9 series
multimeter set on OHMS. Refer to the wiring
air conditioning units are equipped with a cen-
diagrams figure 1-5 to establish points of con-
trifugal inclined blade evaporator fan. The air foil
fan reduces excessive vibration and noise.
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