![]() TM 5-4120-274-15
(b) Remove cap from suction tube charg-
5-20. General Repair Procedures
ing valve.
a. If the refrigerant system must be opened for
( c ) Connect hose from refrigeration
repair or replacement of parts, first discharge the
charging hookup loosely to suction tube charging
refrigerant from the system. Refer to paragraph
valve. Open refrigerant drum shutoff valve slight-
ly to purge hose. Tighten connection at charging
valve. Open shutoff valve and backseat charging
ing to warm to the ambient temperature before
opening the system; this delay will help prevent
(d) Refrigerant drum must be in up-right
the formation of condensation on the inside wall
position to allow only gaseous refrigerant to enter
of the tubing. Plug or cap all openings as a part
is removed to minimize the entry of dirt and
(e) Start unit.
moisture into the system.
(f) TO Speed up charging, set refrigerant
c. Use a silver solder on all soldered connec-
drum in warm water. Never use a heating torch
tions. Silver solder (or equivalent) with a 50 per-
for this purpose.
cent silver capacity and a melting point of ap-
proximately 1300 degrees F. is recommended.
the time of charging, and even though flash gas
Continually pass dry nitrogen through the tubing
is apparent, shutoff refrigerant flow and observe
or connections being soldered to prevent forma-
sight glass for a period of 10 to 20 minutes. If
tion of harmful copper oxides.
at the end of this time period the sight glass is
not free from the flash gas, admit a small amount
of charge and observe for the same time period.
Repeat this operation until sight glass is clear.
a. Testing Refrigerant System for Leaks. Re-
(h) Frontseat charging valves and close
fer to paragraph 3-45b, and test refrigerant sys-
refrigerant drum shutoff valve. Stop the unit and
tem for leaks.
disconnect manifold hoses from charging valves,
b. Releasing Refrigerant for Service. Release
install caps.
refrigerant slowly to a well vented atmosphere.
(2) Weight method. With this method you
Adjust the release so that a vaporized discharge
are charging the unit with liquid.
is made to avoid loss of refrigerant oil.
c. Evacuating the Refrigerant System.
(b) Connect a bottle of refrigerant-22 to
(1) General. Opening the system to the
discharge high side access fitting, figure 3-6.
atmosphere will cause entry of air and moisture
(c) Weight refrigerant bottle.
into the system. After any servicing operation,
(d) Invent charging cylinder and open
when the system is opened, the entire system
valve on refrigerant bottle and allow refrigerant
should be evacuated before recharging with re-
to flow through system.
(e) Periodically weigh bottle until it is
(2) Evacuation.
(a) Connect hose assemblies of evacuation
lighter by amount needed in system, must be ex-
act amount.
gage manifold to discharge valve access fitting
and to the suction access fitting of unit, refer to
Caution: Total amount of charge must
be exactly 53 oz
(b) Connect vacuum pump to center hose
of gage manifold.
(c) Evacuate pump down unit to 100 mi-
a. General. The electrical circuits in the refrig-
(d) Break vacuum by admitting refriger-
eration unit are completed by individual wire
ant, paragraph 521d(1).
leads or by leads laced or enclosed to form a wir-
ing harness, When testing, repairing, or replacing
Caution: Do not use the compound
the individual wires or harnesses refer to the wir-
gage as an indicator for satisfactory vacuum
ing diagram (fig. 1-5).
b. Inspection. Inspect the wiring insulation for
d. Charging the Refrigerant System. There are
cracks and frayed material. Pay particular atten-
two preferred methods used to charge the re-
tion to the wires passing through holes in the
frigerant system.
frame or over rough edges. If inspection reveals
a broken or cut wire, and the break in the wire is
(1) Sight glass method.
exposed, the wire must be repaired (d below). If
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