![]() Figure 515--Continued.
the system. Leaving a permanent type filter-dryer
in the suction line allows the serviceman to com-
a. General. The suction and discharge service
plete the clean-up at one time, A pressure tap
valves provide access to the refrigerant system.
should be installed upstream of the suction filter-
b. Removal.
dryer so that the pressure drop from the tap to
(1) Remove the condenser fan (para 3-19).
the service valve can be checked after several
(2) Discharge the refrigerant system (para
hours of operation. A pressure drop in excess of 3
psi is generally considered excessive.
(3) Refer to figure 5-16 and remove the ser-
(3) Check the expansion device and clean or
vice valves as follows: Both valves must be
replace it. Replace sight glass.
sweated from the lines. Apply heat carefully to
(4) Remove the burned out compressor and
avoid damage to adjacent components.
install the replacement.
c. Installation.
(5) Evacuate the system.
(1) Install the service valves by reversing
(6) Recharge the system and put in opera-
the order of removal.
(2) Replace the dehydrator (para 5-18).
(7) Check pressure drop across suction fil-
(3) Evacuate and recharge the refrigerant
ter-dryer after one hour operation. Change if nec-
system (para 61 ).
essary and evacuate system.
(8) After 8--24 hours operation, change
suction filter-dryer, check odor and color of oil or
test with test kit. Evacuate system.
(9) After 14 days of operation, check color
and acidity of oil. If required, change filter-
dryers. Before clean-up is complete, it is essential
that oil is clean and no acid is present.
pulling a vacuum. Pull a high vacuum (less than 500 mi-
crons) for several hours. Allow the system to stand sev-
eral hours to be sure the vacuum is maintained.
5-25. Casing Assembly
a. General. The casing assembly protects and
provides air control around the components. Re-
moval and installation instructions for the access
panels, covers, grills, and screens have been in-
cluded in the applicable component maintenance
instructions. Figure 515 is provided as a guide
should it become necessary to remove panels or
insulation not previously covered.
casing components as required.
Note. The majority of the panels have been installed
with rivet nuts and must be removed carefully so as to
avoid damage to the equipment.
c. Installation. Install the casing components
removal and installation.
by reversing the order of removal.
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