remove the condenser fan and remove the hose
from the discharge service valve. Reinstall con-
a. General. When a leak is suspected within the
senser fan and grill (para 319).
system it is necessary to make a thorough check
d. Pressure Testing and Evacuating the Sys-
to locate the leak. To gain access to the refriger-
ant components it is necessary to remove the pan-
(1) Remove the condenser fan (para 3-19).
els, grills, and covers, as well as the condenser
(2) Connect the suction line of a suitable
fan. Refer to the applicable maintenance para-
pressure manifold loosely to the suction service
graph for instructions covering the removal and
valve. Connect the center manifold line to the re-
installation of the protecting access components.
frigerant drum and the discharge pressure gage
b. Testing Procedures.
line to the discharge service valve. Make sure all
(1) Halide torch method. The Halide torch
valves and the drum and gages are closed (fig.
system is recognized as the most efficient method
to test the refrigerant system for leaks. The
( 3 ) Open the refrigerant drum shutoff
Halide detector suction tube is passed over all
slightly to purge hose line. Tighten connection at
sweated connections, fittings, and valve connec-
suction service valve. Open suction service valve
tions. The original blue flame will turn green
and drum shutoff valve.
when a leak is detected. A large leak will turn
the flame dense blue with a reddish tip, or, put
Note. Drum must be in upright position to allow
the flame out altogether. Mark any leaks and
only gaseous element to enter system.
refer to the applicable maintenance paragraph
(4) Close the drum shutoff valve when the
for repair instructions.
discharge pressure reaches 10 psig. Close suction
(2) Soap solution method. Brush all possible
service valve and disconnect hose from refriger-
areas of leakage with a liberal soap solution. A
ant drum.
leak will cause the solution to bubble. When
(5) Loosen suction service valve connection
using this method, follow a definite pattern to in-
and connect the center manifold line to nitrogen
sure that all components are checked.
drum shutoff valve (fig, 6-2).
c. Purging the System.
(6) Tighten suction service valve connection,
(1) Remove the condenser fan (para 3-19).
open service valve and nitrogen shutoff valve.
(2) Remove the outdoor thermostat (para
Build up system until pressure reaches 150 psig.
Close suction service valve and shutoff valve. Dis-
fan area and insert a suitable hose to the dis-
connect hose from service valve and remove pres-
charge service valve.
sure manifold.
(3) Reinstall the condenser fan and grill
(7) Test for leaks and purge system (sub-
paragraph b and c above).
(4) Start the unit and discharge the refri-
( 8 ) Remove cap from discharge service
gerant into a safe area outside.
valve. Attach a suitable vaccum pump to suction
Warning: Avoid bodily contact with the
service valve and a manometer to the discharge
refrigerant or inhaling any refrigerant gases.
service valve. Open both service valves and oper-
In case of a leak, ventilate the area immediately.
ate the vacuum pump until the manometer indi-
In case of bodily contact, seek medical aid im-
cates 2.5 mm hg. abs. (millimeters mercury abso-
(9) Close suction valve and stop the pump.
(5) When system is completely discharged,
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