![]() Attach hose from refrigerant drum, purge air
(11) Close suction service valve and allow
from line with refrigerant and slowly break the
unit to stand under vacuum for approximately 12
vacuum by opening the suction service valve until
hours. If no noticeable rise in pressure occurs, the
760 mm hg. abs. Close suction service valve.
system is ready for changing. Close service
valves, remove vacuum pump, manometer and
(10) Remove refrigerant drum and attach
vacuum pump to the suction service valve. Purge
install valve caps.
air from hose, start pump and open suction ser-
Note. Rise in pressure will be influenced by am-
vice valve. Operate pump until manometer again
bient temperature. Make sure that vacuum in system is
indicates 2.5 mm hg. abs.
completely relieved before charging.
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