![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
5 - 2 3 . Pressure Relief Valve.
b. Installation. Install high and low pressure
cutout switches as follows:
the refrigerant system. Refer to figure 4-5 and re-
(1) Insert capillary tube ends through par-
move housing top covers. Remove screw, lock-
tition and install grommet (fig. 5-7). Connect capil-
washer, and loop clamp (fig. 5-7). Remove pressure
lary tube nuts to fittings.
relief valve from adapter.
b. Installation. Install pressure relief valve
with two screws and lock washers.
(3) Make electrical connections to switches.
secure clamp with screw and lockwasher. Install
housing top cover (fig. 4-5). Refer to paragraph 6-3
tion box. Refer to paragraph 4-21 and install hous-
and charge the refrigerant system.
ing top cover.
erant system.
5-24. Dehydrator.
whenever the refrigeration system is opened for
5-22. Service Valves.
the refrigerant system. Remove housing rear top
the refrigerant system. Refer to figure 4-5 and re-
covers (figures 4-5). Detach valve cap chain by re-
move housing rear top cover. Refer to figure 5-8 and
moving a screw, lockwasher and flat washers. Re-
remove four screws and two straps. Disconnect and
move valve by removing two base mounting screws.
remove dehydrator.
b. Installation. Mount valve to bracket, using
two screws. Affix loops in cap chains to housing
Install two straps and four screws. Use sealing com-
with a screw, lockwasher and two flat washers. Con-
pound on screw threads. Install rear top cover (fig-
nect valves to refrigerant lines by tightening flare
ure 4-5). Refer to figure 6-2 and charge the refrig-
nuts. Refer to figure 4-5 and install housing rear top
erant system.
cover. Refer to figure 6-2 and charge the refrigerant
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