![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
( a ) Disconnect connector plugs P2 through P11.
(b) Refer to table 3-3 and continuity check the wiring harnesses.
( a ) Repair any damaged portions of the wiring harnesses by replac-
ing individual wires as required.
( b ) Repair any portions of the wiring harnesses which do not check
out for continuity by replacing individuals wires as may be required.
R e p l a c e a n y wiring harness if damage is unrepairable.
Receptacle Connectors.
( a ) Inspect receptacle connectors J1 through J11 for bent or miss-
i n g pins.
( b ) Inspect receptacle connectors for any other damage which would
( 2 ) R e p l a c e . R e p l a c e any receptacle connector which has bent or miss-
i n g p i n s o r other damage which would impair s e r v i c e a b i l i t y .
Plug Connectors.
( a ) Inspect plug connectors P2 through P11 for bent or missing pins.
( b ) Inspect plug connectors for any other damage which would impair
( 2 ) R e p l a c e . R e p l a c e any plug connector which has bent or missing pins
o r other damage which would impair serviceability.
d. Close-up Procedures After Maintenance of Wiring Harnesses
( 1 ) Reconnect plugs P2 through P11. (See figure 3-33. )
I n s t a l l R F I filter assembly. (See figure 3-22.)
I n s t a l l p r e s s u r e switches. (See figure 3-33.)
I n s t a l l j u n c t i o n box and control box. (See figure 3-12.)
I n s t a l l e v a p o r a t o r fan. (See figure 3-30.)
I n s t a l l l o w e r access panel, condenser fan guard, top panel and fabric
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