![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
compressor, step e f o r system clean up (flushing), and step f for the installation of
a new compressor.
(1) Refer to figure 4-1 and release refrigerant from the system.
( 2 ) R e f e r t o f i g u r e 4 - 6 a n d remove the compressor.
e . System Clean Up. W h e n a hermetically sealed compressor burns out, the
s t a t o r winding decomposes, forming carbon, water and acid which contaminates refrig-
erant system. These contaminates must be thoroughly removed from the system to pre-
v e n t r e p e a t e d c o m p r e s s o r f a i l u r e s . Compressor burn out may also cause damage to the
a i r c o n d i t i o n e r e l e c t r i c a l s y s t e m . T h e following clean up procedures must be followed
in any case of compressor failure.
(1) Perform removal procedures (step d, above).
( 2 ) Refer to paragraph 4-14d and remove t h e dehydrator.
not replace
w i t h a new dehydrator at this time.
(3) Flush the refrigerant system with tricholorotrifluoethane refriger-
a n t solvent R-114 (NSN 6830-00-782-6512). F l u s h i n g should be done under a pressure
o f 8 t o 1 2 p s i g ( 0 . 5 6 t o 0 . 8 4 k s / c m2) , using a pump of approximately 1/3 horse power.
T h e R-114 may be recirculated if run through a 10 micron filter. Procedures for
flushing the system are as follows:
( a ) Refer to figure 4-7 and connect the discharge line of the pump
to the suction pressure service valve (14) at point "A".
( b ) Connect the recovery line of the pump to the tubing at point "F"
( c ) Open the suction pressure service v a l v e (14) and close the dis-
charge pressure service valve (15).
( d ) C a p t h e t u b i n g a t p o i n t s " C " , " D " and "E".
( e ) Start the pump and flush the line f o r approximately 10 minutes
then turn the pump off.
( f ) Remove the discharge l i n e of the pump from the suction pressure
s e r v i c e valve (14) at point "A" and remove t h e r e c o v e r y line from the pump to the
t u b i n g at point "F".
( g ) Connect the discharge line of the pump to the tubing at point
"F" and the recovery line to the valve at point "A".
( h ) Start the pump and flush the line f o r approximately 10 minutes
then turn the pump off.
( i ) Remove the recovery line from the v a l v e at point "A" and close
the suction pressure service valve (14).
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