![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
(f) Charge the system with refrigerant in accordance with the pro-
c e d u r e s g i v e n i n p a r a g r a p h 4-10.
(g) Refer to figure 3-12 and install the junction
(h) Refer to figure 3-22 and install the RFI
P r e s s u r e Equalizer Solenoid Valve
(1) General. Testing and repair of the pressure equalizer solenoid
v a l v e is accomplished at the organizational maintenance level (refer to paragraph
(2) Removal.
(a) Refer to figure 4-2 and release refrigerant from the system.
(b) Refer to figure 4-13 and remove the pressure equalizer valve.
( 3 ) R e p l a c e . Replace the pressure equalizer solenoid valve if evidence
i s found of damage which would i m p a i r s e r v i c e a b i l i t y o r i f r e p a i r p r o c e d u r e s f a i l t o
m a k e the valve operable.
( a ) R e f e r t o figure 4-13 and install the pressure equalizer valve.
( b ) Perform any further maintenance of refrigerant ccmponents which
m a y be required.
(c) Purge the refrigerant system in accordance with the proceudres
given in paragraph 4-8.
(d) Check the pressure equalizer solenoid valve and the new dehy-
d r a t o r f o r l e a k s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h p a r a g r a p h 4 - 4 c . R e p a i r any leaks found in accor-
d a n c e with the procedures given in paragraph 4-4d.
( e ) R e f e r t o figure 4-4 and evacuate the refrigerant system.
t o figure 4-10 and charge the system with refrigerant.
d. Dehydrator (drier)
( 1 ) R e p l a c e . T h e d e h y d r a t o r (drier) must be replaced each time the re-
f r i g e r a n t system is exposed to t h e atmosphere. R e f e r to paragraph (2) and (3) for
removal of old dehydrator and the installation of a new dehydrator.
(2) Removal.
(a) Refer to figure 4-2 and release refrigerant from the system.
(b) Refer to figure 3-12 and partially remove the junction box.
(c) Refer to figure 4-14 and remove the dehydrator.
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