![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
(a) Purge the refrigerant system in accordance with the procedures
g i v e n in paragraph 4-8.
(b) Refer to figure 4-14 and install a new dehydrator.
( c ) Check the dehydrator for leaks in accordance with paragraph
I f any leaks are found, refer to paragraph 4-4d and make repairs.
(d) Refer to figure 4-4 and evacuate the refrigerant system.
( e ) C h a r g e t h e s y s t e m w i t h r e f r i g e r a n t i n accordance with t h e pro-
c e d u r e s given in p a r a g r a p h 4-10.
( f ) R e f e r t o f i g u r e 3 - 1 2 a n d r e i n s t a l l t h e junction box.
Sight Glass
I n s p e c t the sight glass for defects or damage which
would impair serviceability.
(See figure 4-15.)
( 2 ) R e p l a c e . Replace the sight glass if evidence is found of defects
Refer to steps (3) and (4) for removal
o r damage which would impair serviceability.
of defective sight glass and the installation of a new sight glass.
( 3 ) Renmoval, (See figure 4-15.)
(a) Refer to figure 4-15 and install anew sight glass.
( b ) Perform any further maintenance of refrigerant components re-
( c ) P u r g e t h e refrigerant system in accordance with the procedures
g i v e n in paragraph 4-8.
( d ) C h e c k s i g h t glass and dehydrator for leaks in accordance with
R e f e r to figure 4-4 and evacuate the refrigerant system.
R e f e r t o paragraph 4-10 and charge the system with refrigerant.
f . P r e s s u r e R e g ul a t e r Valve
(1) Adjust.
( a ) Disconnect the air conditioner from the electrical power source
a n d turn the selector switch to the "OFF" p o s i t i o n .
( b ) R e f e r t o f i g u r e 4 - 2 a n d release the refrigerant from the system.
(c) Adjust the pressure regulator valve in accordance with figure 4-16.
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