TM 10-8145-222-23
24. Install drain tubes (Figure 9, Item 12) onto elbows (Figure 9, Item 13).
25. Install drain tubes (Figure 3, Item 12) to evaporator (Figure 9, Item 2) using two clamps (Figure 9, Item 17) and
secure using two screws (Figure 9, Item 14), new lock washers (Figure 9, Item 15), and washers (Figure 9,
Item 16).
26. Install hot gas solenoid valve coil (Figure 9, Item 21) and secure using clip.
27. Install liquid solenoid valve coil (Figure 9, Item 21) and secure using clip.
28. Connect liquid solenoid valve coil electrical connector (Figure 9, Item 19).
29. Connect hot gas solenoid valve coil electrical connector (Figure 9, Item 20).
30. Install saddle clamp (Figure 7, Item 1) to 7/8-inch evaporator pipe (Figure 7, Item 2) and secure using two bolts
(Figure 7, Item 3) and lock washers (Figure 7, Item 4).
31. Secure any loose wiring or connectors with tie wraps as needed.
32. Close evaporator cover (Figure 9, Item 7) on evaporator (Figure 9, Item 2) and secure using two bolts (Figure 9,
Item 5) and washers (Figure 9, Item 6).
33. Connect battery (-) negative terminal (WP 0053, Reconnect).
34. Open control panel assembly door (Figure 10, Item 1).
35. On control box, place COMPARTMENT 1 ON/OFF rocker switch (Figure 10, Item 2) to ON position.
36. Place COMPARTMENT 2 ON/OFF rocker switch (Figure 10, Item 3) to ON position.
37. Close control box panel assembly (Figure 10, Item 1) and secure closed using latch (Figure 10, Item 5).
38. Place POWER SWITCH (Figure 10, Item 4) on control panel to POWER ON position.
39. Release refrigerant back into system (WP 0014, Service).
40. Start refrigeration unit and operate under normal conditions to check for leaks and proper operation of
evaporator (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
41. Shut down refrigeration unit (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
42. Reinstall interior bulkhead if necessary (TM 10-8415-222-10, Install).