![]() thermostat removal and wiring. (Sheet 1 of 2)
(c) Remove linkage rod (6) and connector
a. General. Some of the earlier model
d. Installation. Replace a defective circuit
CE20VAL6 air conditioner do not have circuit
breaker in reverse order of removal as illustrated
breaker. The circuit breaker protects the com-
on figure 5-9.
pressor from continuous overcurrent and short
circuits. It is located in the lower right corner of
5-13. Rectifier
the control box. Refer to paragraph 29 for reset
a. General. New models of CE20VAL6 and
CE20VAL4 air conditioners have a solid state rec-
tifier, figure 59. The earlier models have a recti-
nect the leads and test the circuit breaker for con-
fier and a surge suppressor. Both are located in
tinuity with a multimeter set on OHMS. Refer to
the control box at the upper right corner and are
the wiring diagram for points to establish conti-
r e m o v e d in a similar manner. The rectifier
changes alternating current to direct current.
c. Removal.
b. Testing. Disconnect the electrical leads. Use a
(1) Refer to figure 5-9 (1), and remove the
multimeter and test the front to back resistance of
circuit breaker.
the rectifier. A resistance of infinity in both direc-
(2) Refer to figure 5-9 (2), and disconnect
tions indicates an open rectifier. Replace a defec-
the circuit breaker linkage as follows:
tive rectifier or surge compressor.
(a) Remove snap ring (1) from pin (4).
c. Removal. Refer to figure 5-9, and remove the
(b) P u l l p i n ( 4 ) a n d s p a c e r ( 3 ) f r o m
switch arm (2).
AGO 20053A
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