![]() the control box. The selector switch is a manually
operated, five-position switch. Automatic control
of both the heating and cooling cycles is provided
by the temperature control. The control panel may
be used in a remote position by utilizing a block off
plate and a remote control cable (fig. 2-1).
control box front panel and control panel,
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 5-8, and disas-
semble the control panel.
d. Reassembly. Replace defective parts and
reassemble the control panel in reverse order of
removal as illustrated on figure 5-8.
e. Installation. Install the control panel and con-
trol box front panel in reverse order of removal as
illustrated on figure 5-7.
The refrigerant tubes used on the air conditioner
consist of copper tubing and the necessary fittings.
The joints of the refrigerant tubes are soldered.
Inspect the tubing for cracks and breaks. Replace
any defective tubing with tubes of the same
length, size, shape, and material When removing
and installing the solenoid valves, direct the flame
and installation.
away from the valve body to protect it from heat
damage. Keep the flame at the outside of the dis-
tributor when disassembling or reassembling the
b. Removal. Remove outdoor thermostat as illus-
expansion valve. Test the installation of tubes and
trated on figure 5-5.
fittings for leaks. Replace rubber insulation as
with a multimeter set on OHMS. Refer to the
Note. If the refrigerant system has been open to the
wiring diagram for the points to establish conti-
atmosphere, replace the dehydrator. Pressure test and
evacuate the system before charging. When removing
d. Installation. Replace defective thermostat
prevention of copper oxides.
and install in reverse order of removal as illus-
trated in figure 5-5.
5-11. Phase Sequence Relay
a. General. The phase sequence relay is used
when the air conditioner has a Whirlpool com-
pressor. It is not required when the unit has a
a. Testing. Tag and disconnect the leads and
Bendix-Westinghouse Compressor. The phase se-
test the electrical heater thermostat for continuity
quence relay prevents operation of the unit unless
with a multimeter set on OHMS. Refer to the
the phase sequence is correct and the fan and com-
wiring diagram for the points to establish conti-
pressor motor rotate in the proper direction. It is
located in the upper left corner of the control box.
electrical heater thermostat.
phase sequence relay.
c. Installation. Replace a defective thermostat
c. Installation. Replace a defective phase se-
and make sure all electrical connections are clean
quence relay. Install the phase sequence relay in
and secure. Refer to figure 5-6, and install the
reverse order of removal as illustrated on figure
electrical heater thermostat in reverse order of re-
moval as illustrated.
to wiring diagram and checking for continuity or
open circuit across the normal] y closed or nor-
a. General. The control panel houses the selector
mally open contacts. Also test the relay solenoid
switch and temperature control and is mounted on
for continuity.
AGO 20053A
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