![]() TM 5-4120-274-15
superheat does not reach the required value when
adjusted, check for dirt or other restrictions in the
a. General. Each air conditioner contains two
liquid line or expansion valve.
expansion valves One controls the refrigerant
d. Installation.
flow to the evaporator coil during the cooling cy-
(1) Refer to figures 3-10 and 3-11 and in-
cle. The other functions when the refrigerant
stall the expansion valve.
flows through the bypass cycle.
(2) Charge unit, refer to paragraph 5-21d.
b. Removal
(3) Replace cover panel refer to paragraph
(1) Remove cover panel, refer to paragraph
(2) Discharge refrigerant from system, refer
a. General. The access fittings provide access
(3) Refer to figures 3-10 and 3-11 and re-
to the refrigerant system for service.
move expansion valves.
b. Removal.
c. Adjustment.
(1) Remove side cap from expansion valve
(1) Remove front access panel, refer to para-
graph 3-18.
(2) Slowly discharge the refrigerant charge
Note. Make sure thermal bulb is securely fastened
from system (para 5-21b).
to suction line and the bulb is covered with rubber insula-
(3) Unscrew valve stem from inside access
(2) Turn stem clockwise for higher super-
c. Installation.
heat and counterclockwise for lower superheat.
(1) Install valve stem into access valve.
One full turn is equivalent to approximately 2F
(2) Recharge system, refer to paragraph 5-
superheat. A suction gas superheat of 5F to 10F
out of the evaporator coil is satisfactory. A super-
(3) Install front access panel refer to para-
heat of 10F to 20F when measuring the super-
graph 3-18.
heat at the thermal bulb is also satisfactory. If the
erant is indicated by flash gas in the sight glass.
b. Removal. Slowly discharge the refrigerant
a. General. The sight glass indicates the refrig
charge from system (para 5-21b). Refer to figure
erant moisture content. When the indicator is
3-13 and remove sight glass.
green the refrigerant is dry. A color shading into
yellow indicates that the refrigerant has become
sight glass.
contaminated with moisture. A shortage of refrig-
b. Removal. Slowly discharge the refrigerant
charge from the system (para 5-21b). Refer to
a. General. The filter drier prevents the accu-
mulation of moisture and contaminants within the
refrigeration system. The filter drier must be re-
placed each time the system is exposed to the at-
filter drier.
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