![]() a. General. Install the air conditioner in as
a. Inspection,
near as level position as possible. An alternate
(1) Inspect casing for signs of rough han-
drain connection may be used if desirable.
dling and damage.
(2) Inspect sight glass and control panel for
b. Positioning the Air Conditioner. Position the
unit so that the f rent is unobstructed, the sight
(3) Remove grilles and inspect evaporator
glass at the rear may be observed, and the reset
and condenser coils for damage.
button may be pushed by hand.
(4) Inspect tubing and fittings for damage
Note. If the unit is tO be equipped with ducts, install
the grills from the unit on the ends of the ducts.
and looseness.
c. Chemical-Biological (C/B) cover. The C/B
b. Servicing. The units have been fully charged
cover is provided to allow for installation of a
at the factory and will require no service other
C/B filter when desired.
than normal preventive maintenance services.
d. installation. Bolt unit to the floor or other
suitable base when leveled. Connect drain hose to
nipple at rear, or alternate drain, to remove ex.
cess condensate. Make certain the excess drain
a. General. The air conditioners are basically
connections are plugged.
self contained units. Under certain conditions it
e. Power Source. The unit is equipped with an
might be desirable to operate from a remote posi-
MS 3100R2222P receptacle located in the rear.
tion, using the block-off panel and a suitable
cable to allow the operator to control the unit re-
3106R2222S plug, connect the unit to the appli-
motely. When no external duct work is utilized, a
cable power source. The unit is provided with al-
sound attenuator (13211E3798) may be used to
ternate locations for the power receptacle. If it
reduce noise. A paulin may be used to prevent
becomes desirable to utilize one of these connec-
dirt from entering the condenser (P/N
tions, remove and relocate the receptacle. Install
the cover plate from the alternate location on the
b. Remote Control Operation.
rear location.
(1) Disconnect power source and remove
front access panel (para 315).
Caution: To insure proper electrical power
( 2 ) Refer to figure 2-1 and install the
supply connection, momentarily move the selec-
block-off panel.
tor switch to the VENTILATE position. The air
(3) Connect the control receptacle to the
flow should be sucked in through the intake
block-off panel.
grill (fig. 1-1) and expelled through the outlet
(4) Connect a suitable extension cable to the
grill. Interchange any two power leads (fig. 1-3/
block-off panel and connect the opposite terminal
1-4) if air flow (fan rotation) is not correct.
to the control panel.
2-4 Dismantling for Movement
to cover the unit during transit. Crate the unit
for long distance movement.
The air conditioner need not be dismantled for
movement, just disconnect the power source and
2-5. Reinstallation After Movement
drain hose, If ducts have been used, remove the
Refer to paragraph 2-3 and install the air con-
ducts and reinstall the grills. It will be desirable
2-7. Controls and Instruments
2-6. General
The location and purpose of the controls and
This section describes the various controls and
instruments are illustrated in figure 2-2.
instruments and provides the operator/crew with
sufficient information to insure proper operation
of the air conditioner,
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