TM 10-8145-222-23
While pushing on the tension gauge as it is pressed against the V-belt, you will hear
or feel a click when the tension of the V-belt is reached. You will need to stop
pressing against the gauge immediately when you hear or feel this click and carefully
remove the gauge from the belt without disturbing the position of the black indicator
7. On tension gauge (Figure 6, Item 1), press slowly on black pad (Figure 6, Item 2) and stop when click is heard
or felt.
Figure 6. V-Belt Tension Gauge.
8. Carefully remove tension gauge (Figure 5, Item 1) from V-belt (Figure 5, Item 2) so that black indicator arm
(Figure 6, Item 3) is not moved.
9. Turn tension gauge (Figure 6, Item 1) sideways and mark position (Figure 6, Item 4) where black indicator arm
(Figure 6, Item 3) intersects scale (Figure 6, Item 5).