TM 10-8145-222-23
Expansion valve refrigerant leakage would show up as an oily residue at connection
points or under the expansion valve.
8. Inspect thermostatic expansion valve (Figure 2, Item 4) for any evidence of refrigerant leak.
If a refrigerant leak is suspected, perform a refrigerant leak check and repair as necessary (WP 0014,
9. Inspect capillary line (Figure 2, Item 5) connected at top of expansion valve (Figure 2, Item 4) located under
insulation (Figure 2, Item 7) for any kinks or cracks.
The TXV bulb is connected to the TXV by a small capillary line and is located several
inches away from the TXV, secure to the evaporator outlet line with tie wraps and
covered by insulation.
10. Carefully pull back insulation (Figure 2, Item 7) as necessary, and without using tools, to access TXV bulb
(Figure 2, Item 6) attached to evaporator outlet refrigerant line (Figure 2, Item 8) and check for any kinks or
cracks. If capillary line (Figure 2, Item 5) is damaged, expansion valve (Figure 2, Item 4) will need to be
11. Check that TXV bulb (Figure 2, Item 6) is securely attached to refrigerant line (Figure 2, Item 8) and making
even contact with line.
12. Tighten TXV bulb clamp (Figure 2, Item 9) as necessary and secure previously removed insulation (Figure 2,
Item 7) removed to access TXV bulb (Figure 2, Item 6).
13. Install evaporator cover panel (Figure 2, Item 1) and secure using two bolts (Figure 2, Item 2), new lock
washers (Figure 2, Item 10), and washers (Figure 2, Item 3).
14. Connect battery negative (-) terminal (WP 0053, Reconnect).
15. Open MTRCS control panel assembly door (Figure 1, Item 1).
16. On control box, place COMPARTMENT 1 ON/OFF rocker switch (Figure 1, Item 2) to ON position.
17. Place COMPARTMENT 2 ON/OFF rocker switch (Figure 1, Item 3) on control panel to ON position.
18. Close MTRCS control panel assembly door (Figure 1, Item 1) and latch (Figure 1, Item 5).
19. Operate MTRCS refrigeration unit to verify proper operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
20. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).