TM 10-8145-222-23
Electrical voltage and current cannot be seen and, when contacted, can result in
death, render you unconscious, or severely burn you. Use extreme care when
working around or with energized equipment. Electricity is unlike most other
dangerous things you can come in contact with because it gives no warning.
Never work on electrical equipment unless there is another person nearby who is
familiar with the operation and hazards of the equipment and who is competent in
administering first aid. When the technician is aided by operators, he must warn them
about dangerous areas.
High voltage is present inside the temperature chart recorder. Do not perform any
maintenance on electrical equipment unless all power is removed.
Be careful not to contact high-voltage connections of 115 VAC input connections
when installing or operating this equipment.
1. Open temperature chart recorder door (Figure 1, Item 2) by lifting handle up and pulling door open.
Figure 1. Temperature Chart Recorder.