TM 10-8145-222-23
Replace Capacitor
Capacitors can store electrical power for extended periods of time after being
disconnected from power supply. A bleed resistor is connected in the capacitor circuit
to discharge this power more quickly. Do not touch capacitors terminals for the first
five minutes after the power is disconnected.
1. Wait five minutes to allow stored energy to dissipate from capacitors (Figure 4, Item 1) through bleed resistor.
2. Loosen nut (Figure 4, Item 2) and pull wire harness with strain relief (Figure 4, Item 3) approximately 1 inch out
from MPC box (Figure 4, Item 4) to gain access to capacitors (Figure 4, Item 1).
3. Remove two nuts (Figure 4, Item 5) and two washers (Figure 4, Item 6) securing bracket (Figure 4, Item 7) to
MPC box (Figure 4, Item 4).
4. Tag and disconnect connector (Figure 4, Item 8) from capacitor wire harness (Figure 4, Item 9).
5. Remove three capacitors (Figure 4, Item 1) and bracket (Figure 4, Item 7) from base of MPC box (Figure 4,
Item 4).
6. Remove three nuts (Figure 4, Item 10), three washers (Figure 4, Item 11), and three capacitors (Figure 4,
Item 1) from bracket (Figure 4, Item 7).
7. Install three new capacitors (Figure 4, Item 1) into bracket (Figure 4, Item 7) and secure with three washers
(Figure 4, Item 11) and three nuts (Figure 4, Item 10).
8. Install capacitors (Figure 4, Item 1) and bracket (Figure 4, Item 7) into base of MPC box (Figure 4, Item 4).
9. Connect capacitor wire harness (Figure 4, Item 9) to connector (Figure 4, Item 8) as tagged.
10. Secure bracket (Figure 4, Item 7) to MPC box (Figure 4, Item 4) with two washers (Figure 4, Item 6), and two
nuts (Figure 4, Item 5).
11. Install wire harness with strain relief (Figure 4, Item 3) into MPC box (Figure 4, Item 4) and tighten nut (Figure 4,
Item 2).
12. Reconnect battery negative (-) terminal (WP 0053, Connect).
13. Operate unit in accordance with normal operation procedures to verify proper operation after replacement of
capacitor (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
14. Close cover (Figure 3, Item 2) and secure using two screws (Figure 3, Item 1).
15. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).