![]() d. Installation.
(3) Sweat the sight glass connections loose.
Protect the surrounding area from heat or flame.
(1) Install condenser coil by reversing the
order of removal.
(4) Refer to figure 5-11 and remove the
sight glass.
(2) Replace dehydrator (para 5-18).
b. Installation.
(3) Evacuate and recharge refrigerant sys-
tem (para 6-1).
(1) Install the sight glass by reversing the
order of removal.
(4) Service coil (para 3-7) and replace the
screen and grill (para 3-17).
(2) Solder sight glass connections. Protect
the surrounding area from heat.
5-23. Compressor/Motor Assembly
(3) Replace dehydrator (para 5-18).
a. General. The purpose of the compressor is to
(4) Evacuate and recharge the refrigerant
raise the pressure of refrigerant gas from eva-
system (para 6-1).
porator pressure to condensing pressure. Its func-
(5) Replace top cover (para 3-15).
tion is to deliver refrigerant to the condenser at a
pressure and temperature at which the conden-
sing process can be readily accomplished. The
compressor motor is hermetically sealed and is
the casing directly behind the discharge grill.
not repairable. An inoperative compressor is usu-
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the discharge grill and top
ally due to a mechanical failure causing the com-
pressor to freeze, a control failure, or a motor
( 2 ) Discharge refrigerant system (para
burnout. If the compressor has been mechanically
frozen there has been a burnout and the compres-
(3) Refer to figure 5-12 and remove the eva-
sor unit must be replaced. When the motor of a
porator coil.
hermetically sealed unit fails, high temperatures
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
may develop within the compressor causing a
(1) Clean the coil area with a wire brush
breakdown of the oil or refrigerant, resulting in
and an approved solvent. Avoid damage to fins
formation of moisture, acid, and sludge, all ex-
during brushing. Blow coil with compressed air.
tremely harmful to the air conditioner. Repeated
(2) Inspect coil for bent fins, damaged coil
burnouts may occur if contaminants are not com-
runs, and internal leaks.
pletely removed. Refer to paragraph 5-24 for
(3) Use needle nosed pliers to straighten
burnout clean up procedures. The compressor has
fins, replace coil with damaged coil runs or inter-
a suction line filter strainer to prevent damage to
nal leak.
t h e compressor f r o m contamination. If a
d. Installation.
compressor/motor unit fails to operate, check the
(1) Install evaporator coil by reversing the
compressor motor for resistance as outlined in
order of removal. Replace top cover (para 3-15).
subparagraph b below.
(2) Replace dehydrator (para 5-18).
b. Resistance Measurements.
(3) Evacuate and recharge refrigerant sys-
(1) Model 6V20.
tem (para 6-1).
( 4 ) Service coil (para 3-7) and replace
(b) Check the terminal to terminal resist-
ance (A to B, B to C, and D to A) with a multi-
5-22. Condenser Coil
meter set on the ohm scale. Proper resistance is
a. General. The condenser coil is located at the
1.37 ohms at 25 C. Tolerance is 7 per cent.
rear of the lower compartment.
(2) Model 4VZ0.
b. Removal.
(a) Remove the front access panel (para
(1) Remove condenser grill and screen
(b) Check the terminal to terminal resist-
(2) Discharge the refrigerant system (para
ance as indicated in (1) (b) above. Reading
should be 0.387 ohms at 25 C. with a tolerance
of 7 per cent.
(3) Carefully sweat the coil connections
c. Removal.
(4) Refer to figure 513 and remove the con-
(1) Remove the front access panel (para
denser coil.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. Clean, in-
(2) Clean the area surrounding the replace-
spect and repair the condenser coil in same man-
ment compressor motor assembly with an ap-
ner as outlined in paragraph 5-21.
proved solvent and dry thoroughly.
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