![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
I f any leaks are found,
in accordance with the procedures given in paragraph 4-4c.
r e p a i r in accordance with paragraph 4-4d.
(f) Refer to figure 4-4 and evacuate the refrigerant system.
( g ) Charge the system with refrigerant in accordance with the pro-
c e d u r e s given in paragraph 4-10.
(h) Reinstall the RFI filter pane (see figure 3-22). Reinstall the
junction box (see figure 3-12).
Service Valves
( 1 ) I n s p e ct i o n .
( a ) Turn the selector switch to the " O F F " position and disconnect
the air conditioner from the electrical power source.
( b ) Inspect the suction pressure service valve and the discharge
p r e s s u r e service valve externally for obvious defects and/or damage. Make sure that
t h e v a l v e c a p s a r e s e c u r e l y i n p l a c e , t h e valve stems are tightly closed, and the
c a p nuts are seated securely on the valves.
(c) Check both service valves for leaks in accordance with paragraph
( 2 ) R e p l a c e . R e p l a c e the suction pressure service valve and/or the dis-
c h a r g e pressure service valve if evidence is found of damage which would impair ser-
viceability. Refer to steps (3) and (4) for removal of defective service valve(s)
and the installation of new service valve(s).
( 3 ) Removal. (See figure 4-17.)
(4) Installation.
(a) Install service valve(s) (see figure 4-17).
( b ) Perform any further maintenance of refrigerant components re-
q u i r e d at this time.
( c ) Purge the refrigerant system in accordance with the procedures
g i v e n in paragraph 4-8.
( d ) Check the service valves for leaks in accordance with paragraph
(e) Refer to figure 4-4 and evacuate the refrigerant system.
( f ) Charge the system with refrigerant in accordance with the pro-
c e d u r e s given in paragraph 4-10.
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