TM 10-8145-222-23
4. Close and secure evaporator cover (Figure 5, Item 5) using two bolts (Figure 5, Item 3), new lock washers
(Figure 5, Item 6), and washers (Figure 5, Item 4).
5. Reconnect evaporator electrical connector (Figure 5, Item 1).
Figure 5. Evaporator Cover Installation.
6. Connect battery (-) negative terminal (WP 0053, Disconnect).
7. Open MTRCS control box door (Figure 6, Item 1).
8. On control box, place COMPARTMENT 1 ON/OFF rocker switch (Figure 6, Item 2) to ON position.
9. Place COMPARTMENT 2 ON/OFF rocker switch (Figure 6, Item 3) to ON position.
10. Place POWER ON/DOWN switch (Figure 6, Item 4) on control panel to POWER ON position.
11. Close MTRCS control box door (Figure 6, Item 1) and latch (Figure 6, Item 5).
12. Start refrigeration unit and operate under normal conditions to check for leaks and proper operation of
evaporator (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
MTRCS doors are very heavy and solid objects. Make sure that doors are secured to
the frame of the container when open. Wind gusts can be strong enough to slam the
doors shut with great force causing serious injury or death to personnel.
13. Close and secure both rear and side access doors (TM 10-8415-222-10, Loading).
14. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).