TM 10-8145-222-23
7. Connect both sides of new drain hose (Figure 1, Item 1) to connector fittings (Figure 1, Item 7) and secure with
clamp (Figure 1, Item 8).
8. If removed, reinstall clamps (Figure 1, Item 5) and secure using screws (Figure 1, Item 2), new lock washers
(Figure 1, Item 3), and washers (Figure 1, Item 4).
9. Reconnect battery negative (-) terminal (WP 0053, Reconnect).
10. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
Breather Elements
Due to the size of the nut securing the breather element, it may be helpful to use a
spanner wrench when loosening or tightening the nut.
1. Loosen nut and remove (Figure 2, Item 9) from breather (Figure 2, Item 10).
2. Remove six screws (Figure 2, Item 11), lock washers (Figure 2, Item 12), and washers (Figure 2, Item 13)
securing breather cover (Figure 2, Item 14) to wall. Discard lock washers.
3. Remove cover (Figure 2, Item 14) and seals (Figure 2, Item 16) from wall.
4. Remove nut (Figure 2, Item 15) and washer (Figure 2, Item 17) from back side of breather (Figure 2, Item 10).
5. Remove breather (Figure 2, Item 10).
6. Install new breather (Figure 2, Item 10) into cover (Figure 2, Item 14) and hand tighten nut (Figure 2, Item 15)
and washer (Figure 2, Item 17).
7. Install breather cover (Figure 2, Item 14) to wall and secure using eight screws (Figure 2, Item 11), new lock
washers (Figure 2, Item 12), and washers (Figure 2, Item 13).
8. Install nut (Figure 2, Item 9) and seals (Figure 2, Item 16) on breather (Figure 2, Item 10) and tighten.
9. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures)