TM 10-8145-222-23
MTRCS doors are very heavy and solid objects. Use care when closing doors. Wind
gusts can be strong enough to slam the doors shut with great force causing serious
injury or death to personnel.
28. Close and secure side container door and left and right rear container doors (TM 10-8415-222-10, Unloading).
29. Place MTRCS back into desired mode of operation (TM 10-8415-222-10, Operating Procedures).
Replace PLS Roller Lanyards
This procedure can be used to replace either the lanyard or the chain. The PLS roller
may be in either the stored position (front of container) or in the deployed position
(rear of container).
1. Remove damaged PLS roller from deployed or stored position (TM 10-8415-222-10, Remove).
2. Remove locking clip (Figure 2, Item 1) securing pin (Figure 2, Item 2).
Figure 2. PLS Roller Lanyards.
3. Remove one screw (Figure 2, Item 3), lock washer (Figure 2, Item 4), and washer (Figure 2, Item 5) securing
lanyard chain (Figure 2, Item 6) to PLS roller (Figure 2, Item 8). Discard lock washer.
4. Remove one screw (Figure 2, Item 7) and washer (Figure 2, Item 9) securing lanyard chain (Figure 2, Item 6) to
pin (Figure 2, Item 2).
5. Remove lanyard chain (Figure 2, Item 6).