![]() c. Removal and Disassembly.
trols the flow of refrigerant through the system
when it is in the bypass circle. It is closed during
(1) Remove top cover (para 3-15).
the cooling cycle of operation.
(2) Discharge the refrigerant (para 6-1).
b. On-Equipment Testing.
(3) Refer to figure 5-6 and remove the hot
(1) Remove the top cover (para 3-15).
gas bypass valve.
(2) Start the air conditioner. In the bypass
(4) Refer to figure 5-7 and disassemble the
mode of operation the tubing from the discharge
hot gas bypass valve.
side of the valve should become warm immedi-
(5) Remove the tubing from valve body.
d. Reassembly.
ately. If not, stop the unit and check the electri-
cal connection (para 513) and the solenoid coil.
Caution: Heat must not be applied to as-
If the valve fails to click upon the start of the by-
sembled valve.
pass cycle, stop the unit and check the electrical
connection and coil. Refer to figure 56 and re-
(1) Solder the tubing to the valve body.
move the electrical leads. Test the valve termi.
(2) Complete reassembly of the hot gas by-
nals for continuity with a multimeter set on the
pass valve by reversing the order of disassembly.
e. Installation.
ohm scale. Continuity should exist between con-
tacts. Connect one coil lead to the air conditioner
(1) Install the hot gas bypass valve by rev-
casing and the other end to either coil lead, conti-
ersing the order of removal.
nuity should not exist.
(2) Replace the top cover (para 3-15).
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