![]() TM5-4110-234-14
TO 40R7-5-7-1
Panels, Doors and Screens................................ 5-2
Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve ............ 5-25
Compressor Motor Controller (F10000R-6) ....... 5-3
Tubing and Fittings........................................... 5-26
Fan Shaft Replacement...................................... 5-4
Compressor ..................................................... 5-27
Refrigeration System Repairs ............................ 5-5
Compressor Service Valves............................. 5-28
Pumpdown.......................................................... 5-6
Compressor Cylinder Heads and Valve Plates 5-29
Leak Test............................................................ 5-7
Compressor Oil Pump Assembly ..................... 5-30
Discharging Refrigerant...................................... 5-8
Crankshaft Seal Assembly (F1OOOORG-2) ... 5-31
Purging the System ............................................ 5-9
Compressor Crankshaft Bearings .................... 5-32
Evacuating the System..................................... 5-10
Compressor Piston and Rod Assembly ........... 5-33
Charging the System ........................................ 5-11
Engine (F10000RG-2)...................................... 5-34
Brazing/Debrazing Procedures......................... 5-12
Carburetor (F10000RG-2)................................. 535
Condenser Coil and Shroud ............................. 5-13
Starter (F10000RG-2) ...................................... 5-36
Discharge Pressure Regulating Valve.............. 5-14
Cooling Shroud (F10000RG-2) ........................ 5-37
Hand Valves ..................................................... 5-15
Flywheel, Gearcase, Governor, Camshaft and
Refrigerant Strainer .......................................... 5-16
Crankshaft (F1OOOORG-2) ............................ 5-38
Solenoid Valves................................................ 5-17
Cylinder Heads and Valves (F10000RG-2)...... 5-39
Fusible Plug...................................................... 5-18
Pistons and Rings (F10000RG-2) .................... 5-40
Filter-Drier......................................................... 5-19
Crankcase Breather (F1 OOOORG-2) ............ 5-41
Receiver ........................................................... 5-20
Engine Block (F10000RG-2) ............................ 5-42
Moisture Indicating Refrigerant Sight Glass ..... 5-21
Main Bearings (F10000RG-2) .......................... 5-43
Expansion Valve............................................... 5-22
Oil System (F10000RG-2)................................ 5-44
Evaporator Coil................................................. 5-23
Electric Motor Repair (F1 0000R-6) ................. 5-45
Suction Accumulator ........................................ 5-24
Housing Component Repairs ........................... 5-46
See paragraph 4-18 for removal, inspection and installation.
b. Repair. Repairs are limited to the straightening of minor dents, rewelding of broken welds and touch up of
painted surfaces. See T.M. 43-0139 Painting Instructions for Field Use. Replace all badly damaged panels that
would be a safety hazard or in any way lessen the performance capabilities of the unit.
See paragraph 4-39 for access, test, removal and installation.
Repair. Repairs are limited to holding coil and contact replacement.
(1) Coil inspection/replacement.
To remove the coil loosen the two captive screws marked coil access.
Tag and disconnect leads on coil.
Lift the cover off.
Remove the coil assembly and remove the coil from the magnet.
Reverse the procedure to reassemble.
Contact inspection/replacement.
To remove the contacts, loosen the two screws marked contact access and remove the power pack assembly.
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